crime law中文什么意思

发音:   用"crime law"造句
  • crime:    n. 犯罪;罪恶;〔俚语〕坏事;〔口 ...
  • law:    int. 〔英俚〕天哪! 嗳呀!
  • common-law crime:    普通法上的罪行, 习惯法的罪行
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  1. Secondly , the author discusses how to understand correlatively the punishment principles of attempt of crime specified by our crime law , which mainly is carried out from three aspects
  2. Current federal hate crime law , passed by congress is 1968 , allows federal investigation and prosecution of hate crimes based on race , religion , and national origin
  3. For these reasons , in my point of view , it is valuable both at theoretical aspect and at practical aspect that we study the relative problems of the crime of evading taxes on the basis of current regulations of crime law
  4. The category of attempt of crime according to the theory of our crime law , the author considers attempt of crime has two categories . namely , the classification between the completed attempt and the uncompleted attempt and the classification between the possible criminal attempt and the impossible attempt
  5. Linking with the useful experiences of legislation and theory at home and abroad , it brings forward the range of punishment for unaccomplished crime in our country . besides the crimes law minute stipulared , only has the lowest legal punished is three years and above three years the set term of imprisonment directly intentionally the crime attempted shape , can punish by unaccomplished . the forth part is the definition of unaccomplished crime


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